Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I have write access, but no delete access!!

Many of us, especially IT buffs, would have certainly related our brain to the largest and powerful computer & network system.

I was thinking in the same line. About the extremely secured and large database with the collection of records of events, names, smells, feelings and what not. More than Oracle or DB2 can handle !!
I meet a person and try to recollect his/her name. I couldn't. Then, I say, OK leave it. But, still at a later point in time, the Query returns a value. Excellent background processing !!!
The brain gets lot of signals from every cell in our body. What a network trafiic and data congestion. How efficiently the brain handles it! Any better network in the world ?!
As I am typing this, I am thinking about brain in detail and also, hearing to some music. It seems like i am multi-taksing. Am I? No. The process syncronization is so powerful and fast that I don't even realise I do only one task at a fraction of second. It is just that, my concentration drifts from one to another so fast, that I feel I am multi-tasking. Any alternate Syncronization method available?!?!

But, that apart, there is this question bothering in me. I input data into my brian. I have write access to my system. But, when I don't like some data, I couldn't delete it. Is it access denied purposefully? Of-course, sometimes, due to not accessing some data for a long time, it might get lost or over-written. But, it never gets deleted! I am surprised why this access is not given to me!

Monday, March 06, 2006

A picture is worth thousand words !! Does mine say so?

A Picture drawn years ago! I have scanned it and uploaded here.

Crayon work on a paper! This, for me, depicts my happy mood!!